Fun Fact about your childhood or interesting events or situation. Whether you’re at a party, on a date, or just meeting someone new for the first time, revealing some fun facts about yourself can be a great icebreaker. You will be thinking it is such a small thing, but when you will tell interesting information about Yourself you will become more likable.

Now you may be asking Yourself, “WHAT ARE SOME FUN FACTS ABOUT ME”?
It can be hard to think of these things on the spot. Here are Some ideas you can keep in your mind for the next time if someone will ask you about yourself.

1) What’s your favorite childhood memory?

What’s the one thing from your childhood that you always smile or laugh about thinking of it. why it is so special to you?

2) Do you have any hidden talents?

Can you mimic like any popular Actor or comedian? Something like some magic or something else. Anything which you can do and no one would expect just by looking at you.

3) What’s your favorite memory from school?

Did you fight with Someone or broke something at school. Having some fun with your friends, or any teacher that you remember or went on some School trip with your friends. Just talk about your best memories from your school experience.

4) Who was your role model growing up?

Someone on television or was one of your parents your hero? A Teacher or your principal it would be. Tell someone who was your role model and doesn’t forget to explain why.

5) What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?

Started a trip without a clue where to go or invested all your money to start a business. Something you just started for fun and turn out to be a Successful project.

6) Have you ever been in the right place at the right time?

Did you have an amazing experience that & never would’ve if you did one thing differently that day? Do tell.

7) Have you ever been in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Have you ever experience something you wish you didn’t? Tell that story too.

8) Do you have a lot of knowledge about a random thing?

Do you have knowledge about a random thing that would make your friends jealous?

9) What’s on your Bucket list?

Everyone has few things they would like to do before they die. Talk about our desires; you never know, you may be speaking to someone who can help you out with one of them.

10) What’s your dream job?

An artist, to become a teacher or to become a successful businessman? Tell us what you could be would be anything.

11) What food would you never get tired of eating?

Anyone dish you would have to eat in breakfast, lunch, every day. Share that dish which you eat the most or love to eat anytime.

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